Sasan Hotel Shiraz

About Sasan Hotel Please allow us to extend our warmest, most cordial greeting, and sincere welcome to Sasan Hotel in the historic and ancient city of Shiraz. Sasan Hotel, located in the center of Shiraz, which is the cultural capital of Iran and adjacent to the ancient heritage of this land. Tourists who come to Iran can’t resist …

Climb Sabalan Peak

Climb Sabalan Peak Sabalan volcano (4,811 m) is located west of Ardabil in NW Iran. It is the third highest mountain and the second high volcano in Iran. A panorama of the beautiful mountainous region and a lake are awaiting for you on top. [tabs slidertype=”left tabs”] [tabcontainer] [tabtext]Itinerary & Highlights [/tabtext] [tabtext]Inclusions & Exclusions …

Village With No Road Access

 Village With No Road Access About an hour far from Tehran a unique village is located which is not accessible by road. To explore its rustic charms, the cars have to remain outside it as the only means of accessibility is by waterway. Varian [tabs slidertype=”left tabs”] [tabcontainer] [tabtext]Itinerary & Highlights [/tabtext] [tabtext]Inclusions & Exclusions …

Birjand Full Day Tour

Birjand Full Day Tour Birjand is the capital of Southern Khorasan province with harsh and dry weather. Due to being protected by mountain range and desert, Birjand’s culture and language have remained almost unaffected so the Birjandi dialect is considered as an old spoken accent of Persian. It is said that the Shokatiyeh School in …

Birjand City Tour

Birjand City Tour Birjand is the capital of Southern Khorasan province with harsh and dry weather. Due to being protected by mountain range and desert, Birjand’s culture and language have remained almost unaffected so the Birjandi dialect is considered as an old spoken accent of Persian. It is said that the Shokatiyeh School in Birjand …